Supply Chain Consultancy

Warehouse Design and Management

Warehouses are an essential link in the supply chain, working efficiently they can create competitive advantage, keep costs down and enhance the customer experience. The best design and operational set up depend on the type of business, product characteristics, inventory policies, and customer ordering profiles. Getting this right is imperative for the supply chain to deliver successfully.
Talk to an expert supply chain consultant
"OP2MA played a crucial role in responding to the immediate challenges brought on by the Covid pandemic and the subsequent reshaping of our operations and depot network in order to deliver material cost savings for the long-term."
Andrew Hogley
British Wool

What we do

Our review of warehousing requirements assesses operational priorities within the context of the business strategy and encompasses core dimensions, including:
Warehouse capacity and growth scenarios
Storage methods utilised
Current handling techniques
Possible automation options
Mechanical handling equipment specifications
Organisational structure and staffing numbers
Warehouse management systems requirements and specifications

The Result

Outcomes from the review typically include recommendations to improve current warehouse operations along with options to optimise operational efficiency and effectiveness. Detailed design specifications and the preparation of business cases for investment can be supported as needed.
Increase operating efficiency and reduce cost
Improve customer service
Drive asset utilisation and manage capital expenditure
Support performance management and employee engagement

Ready to get started?
